Companies can respond to ongoing changes by building a high-performance training strategy and for this the Manpower Academy introduces a new learning method based on cognitive neurosciences.
Neurosciences study how it is possible to act in order to encourage change, through brain plasticity, or cognitive flexibility, our brain ability to change thanks to interactions and to generate new neurons in adults thanks to various factors, such as past experience, learning, physical and mental exercise.

More efficiency

More learning

More development
Through the BRAINing Approach, the Manpower Academy offers its training programs following the process described in the «I.C.E. method»
Ignition: Eagerness to learn
Ignition is the time of self-engagement and self-awareness: the eagerness to learn, involving the emotional sphere, stimulates the cognitive resources which induce to learning new skills. The Manpower Academy, by means of survey tools and moments of reflection such as surveys, self-assessment questionnnaires, focus groups, customized pre-work activities and others, stimulates neural networks in order to encourage the cognitive and emotional engagement that is necessary for further learning steps.

Connection: flexibility
Connection is the core of training, it is the moment when neural networks connect and the key skills the program is focused on are trained and developed.
The Manpower Academy, through a program based on participants’ involvement, focused on classroom-based activities (debates, exercises, role-play, business cases, action learning, virtual reality) encourages interconnections between individuals to support learning.
Evolution: talent development
Evolution is the implementation step, the moment when conscious learning turns into “actual behavior” in daily jobs, thus becoming “automatic”. Through methods and tools such as follow ups, trainings on the job, corporate events, project works or others, the Manpower Academy encourages the implementation and the practice of the new skills acquired within the organization context.